Category Uncategorized

How to reduce your carbon footprint

carbon footprint

A carbon footprint is defined as: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).  Well what exactly does that mean? Let put this into layman…

Spring into spring clean up


Yes I am fully aware that as I write this there is about 6 inches of snow outside and the snow is still falling, but Spring is actually just a couple of days away.  With having two nor’easter’s in the…

What to do in the aftermath of the storm

“For many people, when a terrible storm hits, it’s the aftermath that is the worst. Debris, flood waters, power outages, broken tree limbs, shattered glass, piles of snow— these are all dangerous risks once a hurricane, tornado, or nor’easter makes…

Autumn Home Maintenance


Is it me or is it all of sudden the clock strikes 12:01 on November 1st and almost every single leaf has fallen to the ground.  Leave bags are becoming harder to find and rake prices seem to be on…

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